Birkbeck University of London Michael Ross Award 2023 / 2024 Winner: Negin Heidari

The winner of the Birkbeck 2023 / 2024 Michael Ross Award is Negin Heidari.

“I’m truly honoured to receive this award. I wish to convey my sincere thanks to the Ross family for their invaluable support. Michael Ross not only lives eternally through the plays he gifted to the world of theatre but also his prize breathes life into the dreams of those passionately pursuing the art of theatre.

This accolade from the College holds immense significance for me personally. The endorsement by the esteemed name of Michael Ross adds credibility, shaping my future career in script writing. It serves as a validating seal I can proudly showcase wherever recognition is sought. This is the commencement of my professional journey.

The MA in Text and Performance has been my guiding compass, seamlessly integrating critical development, creativity, theory, and practice to align with my aspirations. Navigating uncharted waters was made possible by the incredible support from Birkbeck tutors. Amid exceptional professors, I discovered a realm where theory harmoniously dances with practice. Choosing to step into this new realm with the steadfast support of Birkbeck has proven to be the best decision of my life.

As a Middle Eastern woman with English as a second language, the initial steps were daunting. However, the unwavering support from Birkbeck empowered me to embrace the journey, reinforcing the notion that dreams know no boundaries. My time at Birkbeck also afforded me the opportunity to collaborate on two other projects, “Woman Life Freedom” and “the Old Price Riots”, presented during Arts Week 2023.

I eagerly anticipate the future with a mix of emotions—sadness concluding my transformative experience at Birkbeck, and elation in the view to graduating, ready for the next phase of my personal and professional development.

I wish to extend my special thanks to Professor Fintan Walsh.”

  • Negin Heidari
Negin accepts The Michael Ross Award prize, 2024.