The Old Red Lion, London. REDfest 2011. Winner of Best Director and Finalist for Best Play.
Directed by Shani Erez.
Cast: Dylan Tate, Minna Pang, Adam Loxley.
“You don’t have to read it. If you don’t want to read it, all you have to do is close the thing and put it to one side. I can show you how to do that, Nick, it’s easy peasy. Would you like me to demonstrate how to close a newspaper and place it to one side?”
After writing “who reads this fascist shit?” on a colleague’s edition of the Daily Mail, bookseller Nick is dragged into the managers office to face accusations of bullying in the workplace.
“‘Daily Hell’ by Michael Ross was a very enjoyable three-hander set in a bookshop (nice use of piles of books for set and props) in which the perspective of a certain right-wing newspaper is given a good bashing.” – Remotegoat.
Radio version of my short play (finalist at REDfest 2011). With Kyle Ross as Nick, Violet Ryder as Daisy and Will Findlay as Paul. Directed by Cat Robey. Recorded for Hoxton FM. With thanks to Matt Houlihan for organising.