Dawn Rescue does exactly what it says on the tin!*

We rescue people, and at dawn! (Well, actually we work at night, because of course we’re dealing with a nocturnal people, they’re a bit like vampires in that respect, and other respects too. But as they stagger out into the streets in the early hours, tearful and broken after encountering us, the dawn breaks as a new day begins and our “rescueees” are born anew!) We did toy with the name ‘Twilight Rescue’ but we thought that sounded like a euthanasia clinic for the elderly, and that’s not what we do at all! No, our clientele are very much in the youth bracket.

We are currently saving souls across london, but particularly in Soho, (we really have our hands full in Old Compton Street, as you can imagine!) We shall soon be expanding our base of operations to Brighton, and thence to the Canal Street area of Manchester. So we’re desperately looking for new volunteers to help us in these districts!

Who We Are

DAN ERPINGHAM is Dawn Rescue’s founder and director of operations. He has successfully built up the organisation from its very early days when it was basically just him on his own, to now, when he currently oversees a vast network of Dawn Rescue volunteers, spreading the Word right across London’s gay bars and nightclubs. He is currently masterminding Dawn Rescue’s exciting expansion into Brighton and Manchester. He is also an historian, and has recently completed the controversial new book The Importance Of Being Jack, in which he fingers Oscar Wilde as the evil genius behind the 1888 Whitechapel murders of six prostitutes.

MATTHEW DITTY is Dawn Rescue’s 2nd in command, and maintains a very “hands-on” role in the everyday DR mission. He loves to get out there every night to the hot spots of Soho and “muck in.” It’s a sometimes unpleasant job, but Matthew loves the satisfaction that comes with saving a vulnerable young man from a life of sin.

JOEL GUTHRIE is one of Dawn Rescue’s newest recruits and is delighted to assist with the training of volunteers, as well as taking on general office admin duties. He wants to thank Dan and Matthew for giving him this wonderful opportunity and for setting his life back on track after a confused and troubled adolescence.

*There is no tin, this is a turn of phrase.